Thousands of lightning struck Germany! Apocalypse over Munich HD
#storm #germany #clouds #thunderstorm #weather #lightning #munich Thunderstorm with abnormal cold cost Munich 30 million euros. Thunderstorms hit at an unprecedented interval. This is very unusual for Munich, because the city is located in a certain magnetic zone, where charged particles lose their energy. But for some reason this phenomenon stopped working today. Physicists have not yet commented on this, but one student from India said that only he had the right answers and asked to be contacted. thunderstorm, munich, gewitter, storm, lightning, münchen, zeitraffer, rain, hagel, unwetter, hail, time lapse, thunder, germany, hailstorm, blitz, #thunderstorm, wetter, bayern, fsx, 4k, boeing, weather, wind, airbus, deutschland, landing, news, nachrichten, airlines, airplane, greta thunberg, uhd, ultrahd, breakingnews, microburst, klimawandel, hamburg, münchen gewitter, munich (german city), timelapse, 2022, plane, munchen, heavy, qatar airways, wetternet, wetteronline, kachelmannweter, aircraft, summer, europe, fail, 60fps, #буря, #schäden, #hochwasser, #tornado, #inundación, rotation, #wind, donner, #alluvione, #überschwemmung, #tsunami, #hail, #snowfall, #typhoons, airplanes, عاصفة, #flood, aviation, airport, #hailstorm, #blizzard, a320, #maltempo, superzelle, wallcloud, hagelunwetter, meteorologie, cumulonimbus, dunkle wolken, hagelsturm, tagesschau, #storm, downburst, gewittersturm, hagelschlag, sturmjagd, eis, #hurricane, #lightning, eisbrocken, pmdg 737 msfs 2020 simbrief, ultra realistic flight simulator, amazing realism, thunderstorm landing, crosswind landing, msfs pmdg 737, amazing reality, pmdg 737 landing, chris, msfs 737, europe!!!, in, and, matt, msfs 2020 pmdg 737, carrie underwood, golf, water, baseball, basketball, hockey, arts, tennis, martial, track, field, soccer, carrie, classic cars, extreme driving, motor sports, racing, action, combat, winter, video game, simulator, football, underwood, takeoff, boeing 737-700 landing, 737-700, pmdg, pmdg 737-700, boeing 737-700 cockpit, msfs 2020 boeing 737 pmdg, pmdg 737 autoland, pmdg 737 simbrief, pmdg 737, pmdg 737 msfs, realism, amazing, cessna, international, fs2004, flying, fs9, epic, strong winds, full landing, full landing cockpit, pmdg 737-700 msfs, spotting, new years eve party, new years eve 2021, nye 2021, party, party songs, thunderdome, ac/dc, midnight, nye, new years eve, hells bells, you shook me all night long, highway to hell, shoot to thrill, dirty deeds done dirt cheap, whole lotta rosie live, ac/dc songs, thunderdomevideo, 30.05.2012, cockpit landing, aerofly fs 2, boeing 747-8i, a350-900, pmdg 777, thunderstorm takeoff at munich lufthansa a320, flight simulator premium deluxe, a320neo, a320 takeoff, 747 landing, microsoft flight simulator, cloud, shelf, flight simulator 2020, fs 2020, x-plane 11, runsame, ac/dc back in black, ac/dc live, trip, qatar, münchen deutschland, vacation, airline, boeing 787, munich airport, high speed, münchen germany, münchen bayern, mün
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